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Here’s Why I Waited Until My Son Was 3 to Send Him to Daycare

Starting Daycare, and why I waited. From Lauren Perrett, Founder, BubbaDesk

As the founder of BubbaDesk, a coworking space that offers onsite childcare, I’ve had the unique privilege of balancing work and parenting in ways that many parents may not have had access to. For those of us looking for alternatives to traditional daycare, the ability to work alongside our children while they’re in a nurturing environment is invaluable. Like many parents, I had to make the decision of when to send my son to daycare, and I ultimately chose to wait until he was 3. This wasn’t an easy decision, but it was the right one for both of us.

 If you’re considering delaying traditional daycare and looking for flexible options like “coworking with childcare” or searching for a “daycare near me” that offers more proximity and peace of mind, my experience might resonate with you. Here’s why I chose to wait and what made the transition smoother when the time finally came.

1. Communication: He Could Tell Me About His Day

One of the biggest reasons I waited until my son was 3 was because his communication skills were more developed. By the time he started daycare, he could clearly articulate what happened during his day, who he played with, and what he learned. This gave me great comfort as a parent because I no longer felt like I was sending him into the unknown. Being able to discuss his day helped foster a deeper bond between us and reassured me that he was emotionally ready for this new chapter.

During the early years, while he was still developing these skills, I relied heavily on BubbaDesk’s onsite childcare, where I could pop in and see how he was doing. Having that flexibility allowed me to give him time to grow into the little communicator he is today.

2. He Was Toilet-Trained

Another important factor was that by the age of 3, my son was toilet trained. This made the transition to daycare so much easier for both him and the daycare staff. No longer needing constant assistance with using the bathroom allowed him to feel more independent and confident in this new environment. For parents considering when to start daycare, being toilet-trained can be a game-changer in terms of reducing stress for both parent and child.

Until he reached this milestone, I found that having a nanny at BubbaDesk was the perfect in-between solution. He was cared for in a professional setting, but I was still close enough to provide guidance when necessary. It was the best of both worlds.

3. He No Longer Needed Regular Afternoon Naps

One of the trickiest parts about starting daycare can be the nap schedule. For a long time, my son relied on his afternoon naps, and I worried that missing a nap at daycare would disrupt our evenings. But by the time he turned 3, he was much less reliant on that afternoon nap. This made the transition smoother, as missing a nap here or there didn’t impact his mood or sleep routine at night.

At BubbaDesk, I was able to ease him into this new nap schedule, knowing that if he was overtired or still needed rest, he was in a familiar and comfortable environment.

4. He Had Built Secure Attachments

Building secure attachments outside of the home was incredibly important to me. At BubbaDesk, my son was able to form relationships with the nannies while I was still close by. This allowed him to learn how to trust and connect with other caregivers without feeling like he was being completely separated from me. By the time he started daycare, he had already learned how to build those relationships, making it less intimidating to adapt to new caregivers in a traditional daycare setting.

For parents searching for “daycare near me” but not feeling ready for full-time separation, a coworking space with childcare like BubbaDesk offers that balance. It provides professional care without the immediate leap into long hours apart.

5. He Was Excited About School

Another reason I waited until he was 3 was because he started showing genuine interest in going to school. After a visit to a daycare, he came home asking about when he could start. This excitement told me he was ready for a new adventure and the structure that daycare could provide. Waiting until he was emotionally ready, rather than forcing him into an environment before he was ready, made all the difference.

6. It Just Felt Right

Ultimately, as parents, we know when something feels right. Waiting until my son was 3 to send him to daycare felt like the right decision for us. I was in no rush to have him out of the house or into a formal setting before he was ready. By using BubbaDesk’s flexible childcare options, I was able to stay close to him while still getting work done. This allowed both of us to gradually prepare for the next step, ensuring that when he did finally start daycare, we were both ready for it.

If you’re a parent considering when to send your child to daycare, or you’re searching for alternatives like “coworking with childcare,” know that it’s okay to wait. Every child is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. The most important thing is finding a solution that works for you and your child—whether that’s starting daycare early or exploring other options like BubbaDesk. You’ll know when the time is right.

Until then, enjoy the moments you have, and know that options like BubbaDesk can provide the flexibility you need while staying close to your little one.

BubbaDesk, A Flexible Childcare Solution.

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